Monday, November 25, 2013

Apple Stuffing

Hello everyone! I just created a new recipe from scratch with the help of my mom yesterday! Before my parents came over to visit, I was planning to cook a pre-Thanksgiving dinner with my fiance and parents.  I was debating on whether to use the store bought stuffing or homemade. So, I had a conversation with my mom in the morning before they came over to discuss the delicious recipe that my Grandma Hoffman made long time ago. My mom mentioned some ingredients that she remembered. I went online to do some research to find the similar recipes. It turns out that there were similarities but not close enough. I've decided to follow my instinct and make the stuffing with the key ingredients found through the internet and my grandma's recipe.  My mom came over and we made it together and stuffed half of it in the turkey while the other half is in the casserole dish. It turned out to be very delicious! I am going to share this recipe with you guys.

Recipes      serves: 6-8

1 loaf of bread
1/4 cup diced onion
1/4 cup diced celery
2 eggs, whisked
1 (14 oz) low sodium chicken broth can
1 to 1/2 tsp ground sage (add until taste right)
2 granny apples, peeled, cored, and diced

Break apart the breads into small pieces. Mix the bread with the onions, celery, and apples.  Pour over whisked eggs onto the bread mixtures. Add ground sage. Gradually pour the chicken broth as you stir the stuffing until they are moist. You can either bake it or stuff it in a turkey. For bake. Pour into a greased casserole dish. Bake at 325 degrees for glass dish. (If not glass dish, bake at 350 degrees).  Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until golden brown. For stuffed turkey. Stuff the stuffing in the turkey and follow the turkey instruction. Serve hot!

(Picture not available)

This recipe is so easy and cheap! I do not add salt because the broth itself contains a lot of salt so it is good to minimize the salty flavor in this stuffing AND for your health's sake. Enjoy this delicious stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner with your family!

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